03 Events

This example shows you how to use events on signals.

These files can be found in the /Examples/[example] and /Blackboards/Examples folders.


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using CrashKonijn.Blackboard.Contracts;
using UnityEngine;

namespace BlackboardsLite
    public partial class EventsBlackboard : BlackboardBehaviour
        private int health = 100;
        private static bool _isAlive(Signals.Health health) => health.Value > 0;


using BlackboardsLite;
using CrashKonijn.Blackboard.Contracts;
using UnityEngine;

namespace CrashKonijn.BlackboardPro.Examples._03_events
    public class EventsHealthBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
        /* Simple hack to show a button in the editor */
        [Header("Removes 10 health.")]
        public string doDamageButton;
        /* Simple hack to show a button in the editor */
        [Header("Adds 10 health")]
        public string healButton;
        private EventsBlackboard blackboard;
        public EventsBlackboard Blackboard
                if (this.blackboard == null)
                    this.blackboard = this.GetComponent<EventsBlackboard>();

                return this.blackboard;

        public void OnEnable()
        public void OnDisable()

        public void DoDamage()
            this.Blackboard.Health -= 10;
        public void Heal()
            this.Blackboard.Health += 10;

        // This is set through the editor. Click on the 'Events' button in the blackboard editor to view it.
        public void OnHealthChanged(int health)
            Debug.Log($"Health changed: {health}");

        // This event is set through code. It is only bound to the blackboard during awake, so please enter play mode to see it in action.
        // Even though the IsAlive signal is re-calculated any time the Health signal changes, it's change event is only triggered when the value actually changes.
        public void OnIsAliveChanged(bool isAlive)
            Debug.Log($"IsAlive changed: {isAlive}");

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