04 Saving & Loading

This example shows you how to save and load data in a blackboard.

These files can be found in the /Examples/[example] and /Blackboards/Examples folders.


using CrashKonijn.Blackboard.Contracts;

namespace CrashKonijn.BlackboardPro.Blackboards.Examples
    public partial class SavingBlackboard : BlackboardBehaviour
        // By default, all signals are saved and loaded.
        private int health = 100;
        // Sometimes you don't want values to be saved/loaded, you can use the [DoNotSave] attribute to prevent this.
        private int lowHealth = 40;
        // Computed props are never saved, they are recalculated on load.
        private static bool isLowHealth(Signals.Health health, Signals.LowHealth lowHealth) => health.Value <= lowHealth.Value;


using CrashKonijn.Blackboard.Contracts;
using CrashKonijn.BlackboardPro.Blackboards.Examples;
using UnityEngine;

namespace CrashKonijn.BlackboardPro.Examples._04_saving
    public class SavingBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
        private string json;
        /* Simple hack to show a button in the editor */
        [Header("Save the data to json")]
        public string saveJsonButton;
        /* Simple hack to show a button in the editor */
        [Header("Load the data from json")]
        public string loadJsonButton;
        private SavingBlackboardData blackboardData;
        /* Simple hack to show a button in the editor */
        [Header("Save the data as data")]
        public string saveDataButton;
        /* Simple hack to show a button in the editor */
        [Header("Load the data from data")]
        public string loadDataButton;
        private SavingBlackboard blackboard;
        public SavingBlackboard Blackboard
                if (this.blackboard == null)
                    this.blackboard = this.GetComponent<SavingBlackboard>();

                return this.blackboard;

        // This package provides a ToJson and FromJson method to save and load the blackboard.
        // Please be aware that this is a simple implementation and might not work for all cases such as GameObjects or interfaces.
        public void SaveJson()
            this.json = this.Blackboard.ToJson();

        public void LoadJson()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.json))
                Debug.Log("Can't load empty json");

        // This package provides a ToData and FromData method to save and load the blackboard.
        // The package will create a data class within the same namespace for you that you can use to save and load the blackboard.
        // The name of the data class is the name of the blackboard with the suffix Data.
        public void SaveData()
            this.blackboardData = this.Blackboard.ToData();

        public void LoadData()

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