07 Nested Objects

This example shows you how to use nested objects in a blackboard.

These files can be found in the /Examples/[example] and /Blackboards/Examples folders.


using System;
using CrashKonijn.Blackboard.Contracts;
using UnityEngine;

namespace CrashKonijn.BlackboardPro.Blackboards.Examples
    public enum GunType
    // Make sure the class is partial and uses [Serializable] attribute
    // The IAllAreSignals interface is used to mark the class as a signal container
    // With IAllAreSignals all valid fields are signals
    public partial class Gun : IAllAreSignals
        private GunType _type;
    // Make sure the class is partial and uses [Serializable] attribute
    // The ISomeAreSignals interface is used to mark the class as a signal container
    // With ISomeAreSignals you must manually mark fields as signals
    public partial class Bullets : ISomeAreSignals
        // This won't be generated as a signal
        // The serializefield makes sure it's saved in the editor
        private int clipSize = 5;
        // You manually have to mark the field as a signal
        private int inGun = 5;
        // This marks it as a computed signal
        private static bool _isEmpty(Signals.InGun inGun) => inGun.Value <= 0;

        // Methods won't collide with generated code
        public void Shoot()
            // Make sure you use the property instead of the field
            // Updating the field won't do anything

        public void Reload()
            this.InGun = this.clipSize;
    public partial class NestedObjectBlackboard : BlackboardBehaviour
        // This is a nested object.
        private Bullets _bullets;
        // This is a nested object
        private Gun _gun;


using CrashKonijn.Blackboard.Contracts;
using CrashKonijn.BlackboardPro.Blackboards.Examples;
using UnityEngine;

namespace CrashKonijn.BlackboardPro.Examples._07_nested_objects
    public class NestedObjectBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
        /* Simple hack to show a button in the editor */
        [Header("Shoots a bullet.")]
        public string shootButton;
        /* Simple hack to show a button in the editor */
        [Header("Reloads the gun")]
        public string reloadButton;
        private NestedObjectBlackboard blackboard;
        public NestedObjectBlackboard Blackboard
                if (this.blackboard == null)
                    this.blackboard = this.GetComponent<NestedObjectBlackboard>();

                return this.blackboard;

        private void OnEnable()

        private void OnDisable()

        private void OnBulletsChange(int bullets)
            Debug.Log($"Bullets changed: {bullets}");

        public void Shoot()

        public void Reload()

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