06 Validations

This example shows you how to use validations in a signal.

These files can be found in the /Examples/[example] and /Blackboards/Examples folders.


using CrashKonijn.Blackboard.Contracts;
using CrashKonijn.BlackboardPro.Blackboards.Examples.Attributes;

namespace CrashKonijn.BlackboardPro.Blackboards.Examples
    public partial class ValidationsBlackboard : BlackboardBehaviour
        // This value can never be less than 0
        // Note: that this is not the same attribute as the one Unity provides.
        private int _bullets;
        // This is a custom validation that will capitalize the string
        // It can be viewed in ./Attributes/CapitalizeAttribute.cs
        private string _name;
        // Validations can be stacked!
        // This value can never be less than 0 or greater than 150
        private int _health;
        // This is a computed signal that is normalized health between 0 and 1.
        // Even if health becomes higher than 100, this value will never be higher than 1.
        [Normalize(100f, true)]
        private static float _normalizedHealth(Signals.Health health) => health.Value;
        // This is a computed signal that is a curve between 0 and 1.
        [EaseInOutCurve(0f, 1f, 1f, 0f, 2f)]
        [MinMax(0f, 1f)]
        private static float _shouldHeal(Signals.NormalizedHealth health) => health.Value;


using BlackboardsLite;
using CrashKonijn.Blackboard.Contracts;
using CrashKonijn.BlackboardPro.Blackboards.Examples;
using UnityEngine;

namespace CrashKonijn.BlackboardPro.Examples._06_validations
    public class ValidationsHealthBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
        /* Simple hack to show a button in the editor */
        [Header("Removes 10 health.")]
        public string doDamageButton;
        /* Simple hack to show a button in the editor */
        [Header("Adds 10 health")]
        public string healButton;
        /* Simple hack to show a button in the editor */
        [Header("Add 5 bullets.")]
        public string addBulletsButton;
        /* Simple hack to show a button in the editor */
        [Header("Removed 5 bullets")]
        public string removeBulletsButton;
        private ValidationsBlackboard blackboard;
        public ValidationsBlackboard Blackboard
                if (this.blackboard == null)
                    this.blackboard = this.GetComponent<ValidationsBlackboard>();

                return this.blackboard;
        public void DoDamage()
            this.Blackboard.Health -= 10;
        public void Heal()
            this.Blackboard.Health += 10;

        public void AddBullets()
            this.Blackboard.Bullets += 5;
        public void RemoveBullets()
            this.Blackboard.Bullets -= 5;

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