Where can I buy the pro version?

Thank you for concidering to buy the pro version! It can be bought from the Unity Asset Store

What is included in the free version?

The free version includes regular signals and computed signals of the following types: int, float, string and bool.

All other types, lists signals, nested signals, and interfaces are not supported in the free version.

Where can I get lite support?

You can join us on Discord and use the #blackboard-lite channel!

Where can I get pro support?

You can join us on Discord!

If you PM @CrashKonijn with your invoice number you'll get access to the #blackboard-pro channel!

How do I run the generators?

The Unity compiler runs them automatically!

No code is generated for my blackboard

Unity scopes source generators to all code within the same Assembly Definition. Please make sure the Blackboard.Generators.dll is in the same Assembly Definition as your blackboards.

How do I see the generated code?

To view the other partial/generated code you can do the following:

In Rider: ctrl + click on the classname In Visual Studio: Place your cursor on the classname and press F12. The declarations window should show and you can select the generated partial. The file is _<lite|pro>_generated.cs.

Other editor's (including VS Code) are not officialy supported by [Unity](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/roslyn-analyzers.html) and can't show the code in the editor!

You can still see the generated code by adding the [DebugBlackboard] attribute to your blackboard class. Two buttons should now appear in the (unity) inspector, that will allow you to Debug.Log or copy the source.

My editor doesn't update correctly

Sometimes the editor loses it's binding, re-selecting the GameObject should fix this.

Updating a (nested) value in a list doesn't call a change event on the list.

Unfortunaly the system can't detect nested changes. You should listen for changes to signals on the nested object yourself.

Last updated